Merchant Institute of Diploma StudiesFormerly: Narayanbhai Bhikhabhai Patel Polytechnic (Approved By AICTE & Affiliated with GTU)
III Cell
To bridge the gap between Industry and education it is proposed to seek cooperation in following area:
- Development of the course curriculum for the various skills required by the Industry
- Development of the training module by Industry participation
- Information center for skill development program
- Technology Transfer - skilled personnel to be developed for the New / IMPROVED Technology by training.
Training module to be implemented by Sardar Patel Institute of Technology in collaboration with machinery manufacturers and Industries:
- Technological Development in the machine/process to be taught to the students
- To develop sound practical knowledge in students about the Machine by formulating practical’s in Institute and Industry.
- Importance of the Technological developments to be demonstrated in large scale manufacturing to produce different products
- Input to be obtained by users &manufacturers to improve the design of the machine /design of process by giving these problems as projects to the students
Advantage: Practical’s will be conducted by our staff with the help of Industry Mentors. Thus, we groom our boys for the Industry.
- Technological Development in the machine/process to be taught to the students
Advantage: To collaborate with developed country like Switzerland /Germany /japan etc
To train the students of this Institute in present Technology.
- To develop association with the research institute to implement improved process technology in various segments leading to improvement in the products.
- Similarly, we propose to work with different improved technology. Experiment to be conducted at SPIT by staff and student jointly and publish Book for information to the sponsoring Industry.
- Project information bank to be formed in Sardar Patel Institute of Technology by working in the various segment; Projects to be supported by Industry – Institute linkage for improvement in production floor activities. Technical problems l encountered in various Industries to help Technical personnel to improve his ability.
- Adoption of the improved design features for the imported Machinery in local machinery to get the optimum performance in the local Machinery.
Advantage: To create a forum for local machinery manufacturers to meet the Top manufacturers in Sardar Patel Institute and guide the students.
- Book of papers on the project by training module in various Industries to be published for information to the Industry.
- Students exchange program with various universities to train the boys for various International organization .
- Exposure to staff by training with various machinery manufacturers and Industries to upgrade their ability to teach the students for the development of innovative work for the Machinery manufacturers in the country.
- Sponsorship of the students and staff to attend various seminars and conference to present their project work both National and International.